Western Sydney Private Oncology & Infusion Centre

Better Discharge Planning Program

Our hospital is proud to be associated with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Better Discharge Planning Program.  The program aims to improve the health outcomes of veterans and war widows with chronic conditions who are most at risk of illness and readmission to hospital.  To be eligible for the program a veteran / war widow must satisfy the program eligibility criteria as determined by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

The chronic conditions can include one or more of the following:

  1. congestive heart failure;
  2. coronary artery disease;
  3. pneumonia;
  4. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  5. diabetes;

We recognize that living with a chronic disease is not easy.  For you the program starts before you go home by:

  • Identifying your ongoing medical condition and associated risks; then
  • Walking you through your discharge plan;
  • Making sure you understand the importance of your medications;
  • Talking to you and your carer regarding any home help/support you will need.

When you get home we will be in contact with you or your carer to see that you are getting back on track and any planned services have occurred in the 14 days after you are discharged from hospital.

We will also let your GP know you are going home and that we are keeping an eye on your care and wellbeing.

We are pleased to be part of your recovery team and hope the BETTER DISCHARGE PLANNING PROGRAM will see you “going home and staying well”.

Better Discharge Program

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Consumer Endorsed Tick